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About this website

Why hardcorepunkvinyl?


“History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it.” (Winston Churchill)

I thought it was a good idea to write about some stuff I saw or did, to share my perspective.


This website is put together by Florian (he, him), the person behind HeartFirst Records and Norwegian Leather Records.

Some stuff I did over the years: 

– Started listening to punk around 1979

– Wrote for The Bonzen fanzine between 1985 and 1989. Later sometimes for other punk zines, like Plot, Blurr, Ox etc

– Run a record mailorder and wholesale distribution from 1986 until today

– Played in a band and toured around Europe with a band (SQUANDERED MESSAGE) between 1986 and 1989

– Run several DIY punk labels since 1990: HeartFirst, Norwegian Leather, The Label formerly known as HeartFirst

– Book small tours and tour-manage bands around Europe, including SNUFF, ALICE DONUT, STRAIN, KORT PROSESS, BLYTH POWER, and BRAND NEW UNIT

– Play records to more or less drunk crowds — some call it DJing 

This website wouldn’t be possible without the help of many friends. You know who you are!

About the pictures

Unless otherwise noted, all pictures were taken by myself.  


Whenever something isn’t by me, I ask for permission and give credit. This can be a bit tricky because sometimes I don’t know who took certain pictures. I follow these general rules for pictures on this website: 

  • I post pictures I took myself.
  • I post pictures that were sent to me over the decades as prints (for example, by pen pals).
  • I ask my partners in crime to let me post their pictures.
  • For flyers, I post most of them for documentary purposes, no matter where they are from.  


Don’t just take stuff from here and pretend it’s your own. Nothing here is watermarked because it just looks shit, but respect the work of the creators.

Should you ever find something here that you don’t want published, please let me know. Maybe you’re a famous person now and don’t want the world to know about your punk rock past.


Send feedback if you want to share some knowledge about the topics here

Photo by Mosh Krüger

Label infos

Ramblings about how you should run your small label. Now that it's almost too late I bring my experience to the web. Who cares?


Does the world need another blog like this? Probably not.

Vinyl culture topics

I like DIY punk vinyl culture. I hate mainstream vinyl culture. And I hate record collectors. Go figure.